CROSS PLAINS–After years of getting below-market rates for mowing grass in village parks and other public areas, that service became a $112,000 expense this year.
The village board has been comparing doing the work with public facilities department staff versus contractors, but it didn’t reach a decision at Monday’s meeting.
Chad Rickman, of Rickman Snow Removal and Lawn Care, submitted the lowest bid of the three proposals the village received last week. However, at $96,743 for weekly mowing and trimming between April and October, the village may able to do it for $8,000 cheaper with in-house labor.
Finance Director Bobbi Zauner budgeted next year’s mowing expense at $80,000 whether it’s contracted or done in-house.
The village would have to buy mowing equipment, a trailer and possibly add an employee, which can lead to complications, said Cross Plains Village President Jay Lengfeld.