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A man called “Slim” ran a small but lucrative prostitution ring out of a Middleton apartment in late 2011 and early 2012, using heroin addiction, frequent beatings and a handgun named “Lucille” to control those around him, according to court documents.
Criminal complaints filed in Dane County Circuit Court late last month allege Alvin “Slim” Siller oversaw one prostitute’s every move, only allowing her to eat once per day, usually off of the dollar menu at McDonald’s. He stands accused of beating the woman so severely on one occasion that he broke her dentures.
Siller faces an array of charges, including Human Tracking, Pandering/Pimping, Battery, Strangulation, Negligent Handling of a Weapon, Possession of a Firearm by a Felon, and Child Enticement. He faces multiple counts of several offenses.
Police believe Siller used, an online classified advertising site, to attract business. He allegedly kept all the money generated by the sex trade, paying women in drugs, food and clothing. Authorities claim Siller recruited one woman out of ARC House, a state certified Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Residential Treatment facility for female convicts, coaxing her to begin using heroin again, then increasing the dosage he gave to her over time so she would become sick if she went into withdrawal.
Siller took up residency at a local apartment on Brindisi Court – showing up with an air mattress - allegedly without explicit permission from the person in whose name the apartment was leased. He ran the prostitution business out of that apartment, on multiple occasions prompting those present to flee off of the unit’s balcony when he became agitated.
One prostitute working for Siller allegedly made $1,000 per day, while another made $300. Other women were linked to Siller’s phone number through, as well.
The prostitutes worked primarily out of Super 8 Hotel and Staybridge Hotel in Madison, and Fairfield Inn in Middleton. Police allege Siller ran the phones, made appointments, and took women to and from meetings with clients.
Sources told detectives Siller carried a “golf ball sized” bag of heroin with him and replenished his supply every three days. He paid for the listings on – which included photos of the women - using disposable credit cards from Wal-Mart.
One woman told police she was always high when working for Siller, and that he would regularly threaten to withhold heroin to make here “dope sick” if she declined to work. One prostitute told police “you would sell your soul” to make the excruciating symptoms of heroin withdrawal go away.
The same woman told police Siller forced her to work when she was suffering from a painful outbreak of herpes.
Siller also allegedly smoked marijuana with the 12-year-old daughter of one of his prostitutes.
Police raided the apartment on Feb. 2 of 2012. They failed to locate Siller on that day, but they did find and confiscate his Llama model .45-caliber semi-automatic pistol. Law enforcement soon caught up with Siller, taking him into custody three days later.
Police say one of Siller’s acquaintances assumed the role of pimp after the Middleton man was arrested.
Men and women who came into contact with Siller, who stands 6’2” and weighs around 210 pounds, described him as a terrifying figure. One woman who worked for Siller – a woman Siller allegedly strangled until she passed out on one occasion - warned police: “There’s no life behind those eyes when he gets mad.”